Interesting Learnings from the "Experience Generation"

Hello all, it's been several weeks since I've had a change to blog.  I wanted to post a follow up to an interesting workshop I had the pleasure to attend.  I met both Tamara Sachs, CEO and Robert Miner, President of SachsInsights at The Market Research Event in October. Their compelling qualitative research work is supplemented with high quality "video storytelling", and it's fascinating!

I was fortunate to sit in on their workshop and I am posting a small clip here of the workshop Robert Miner gave on "MilleniAdults--the experience generation."

Mr. Miner mentioned several key points that define this segment:

1) Belief in a Kaleidoscope of Options

2) Definition of Success Varies Across the Segment (financially secure, life experiences, making a difference)

3) Entry Level Debt

4) Online Social Networking

For more video footage of the ethnographic study conducted by SachsInsights, you can visit their website.

Good stuff!!
